Save Money With a ThermoSpas Hot Tub Cover



Most people know that hot tub covers protect spa water by keeping undesired objects out. But what many don’t think about is how a cover saves you money every day. Because heat rises, much of the heat in a hot tub can be lost through the cover. The same fact holds true for houses, which is why insulated attics and roofs are so important.

Because of this, hot tub covers are one of the primary factors that determine how much your spa costs to operate. If you buy a high-quality cover, you will end up saving both energy and money.

ThermoSpas ThermoCover Money-Saving Features

Every inch of a ThermoSpas hot tub cover is designed to make your spa as energy efficient as possible. Each cover is specifically designed for your hot tub to ensure a perfect fit, and thick
insulation helps to cut down your energy costs.

The high quality and durability of our covers allow for them to last for years. Let’s take a look at some of the money-saving features of a ThermoSpas hot tub cover.

Antaeus Foam Core Protection

Antaeus is a special material that resists water vapor transmission, protecting the foam core from water. This will keep your cover free from water damage for a longer period of time, saving you the cost of having to replace it.

In addition, Antaeus is heat sealed to the foam, preventing heat from escaping the hot tub. The more heat that remains inside the hot tub after use, the less you have to spend heating up your water.

2. Thick & Dense Foam Core

Our thick and dense foam core is key to the energy efficiency, lifespan and safety of our hot tub covers. The denser the foam, the more insulated your cover is. A thick foam core also makes your hot tub cover stronger, increasing its weight load, safety, and, therefore, its longevity.

3. Strong Locking Straps

Strong locking straps protect your cover from one of its biggest threats: the wind. During extremely strong winds, a hot tub cover can be dislodged and cracked. Our Cam-lock strap and spa lock system will keep your cover tightly secured. A secured hot tub also means less bacteria and contaminants will enter the tub, allowing your filters to work less and last longer.

4. Vinyl Exterior for Protection

There’s a reason vinyl is the most commonly used material for a spa cover’s exterior. Vinyl effectively protects your hot tub cover from its biggest threat: the sun’s UV rays. Over time, UV rays can cause your cover to degrade in appearance and functionality.

ThermoSpas uses SpaTechTM vinyl, a beautiful and lavishly textured vinyl that comes with a variety of designer colors and effectively fights off UV rays. It also protects the cover from mildew and moisture, boosting its lifespan and saving you money. Your vinyl should be occasionally treated with cover conditioner to maintain its effectiveness.

5. Perimeter Apron

We here at ThermoSpas use a longer Perimeter Apron, or spa skirt, to keep contaminants out of your hot tub and heat in more effectively. This means that your sanitizers, filters, ozonators and
wallet have to do less work.

6. Heat Seal Gasket

Being the most important feature in keeping heat in the hot tub, it’s a wonder why more spa cover manufacturers don’t install padded gaskets in their covers. Our heat-sealed gaskets prevent heat loss in the fold between the two cover halves. Without them, a lot of energy and money would be wasted.

7. Strong Center Support

It’s extremely important to purchase a cover that includes a minimum 20-gauge galvanized steel sheet center support. A strong center support will strengthen the foam’s core and prevent sagging. This will keep another one of your hot tub cover’s biggest threats at bay: puddles. A strong center support keeps your hot tub cover level so that water can’t puddle together and begin degrading it, and makes it more resistant to cracking.

8. Dual Stitching

Finally, dual stitching helps to keep your cover tear free. This not only helps keep it looking good, but also makes it function better. Once your hot tub cover begins tearing, it becomes much less
energy efficient and allows more contaminants to enter the hot tub. Our covers include both bottom and top stitching to protect and add beauty to the vinyl cover, with triple stitching on heavily abused areas such as handles and straps.

As you can see, a ThermoSpas hot tub cover is well worth the investment. Our hot tub covers will save you lots of money in the future by making your hot tub more energy efficient and lasting for years. To learn more about our hot tub covers and choose the one that’s right for you, visit our Replacement Covers page. We have hot tub cover options to fulfill everyone’s needs.



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